Cubase Mastering software Compatability

If I use Cubase 1.0 will Izotope Ozone mastering software work with it if I impor the waves into it> Also If I use Cubase 13 can I still import waves hat I mixed down form Cubase 1.0 into it and have it work??

I guess you mean Cubase 10?
Cubase 1.0 was Atari software from 1989 and isn’t compatible with anything,

Cubase 10 will be compatible with Ozone and Cubase 13 (or 14) will also be compatible with Ozone and can load Cubase 10 projects.

however, there was a Cubase SX 1.0 :slight_smile:

No No, I’m sorry LOL. I meant Cubase Studio 5! Version 5.0. Will Izotope work with this version? It is super old but I am just checking.