Cubase Navigation and Autohotkey

Hi All

While the slight “rumpus” about Cubase Navigation was going, on I copied the mousewheel “horizontal zoom” script that someone (i’m embarrassed to admit I forgot who, but thank you!) wrote for autohotkey which works brilliantly. I then set about doing the same for vertical scrolling using a hotkey, it kinda works, but keeps selecting tracks as it’s going, I’m not good at this so if someone could chip in!! My KC’s for vertical zoom are the up and down arrows so you’s have to substitute yours in the script (where the “send” command is)which is very simple, it uses the shift key with the mousewheel (tried to use Alt but couldn’t get it to work at all). Here it is:

#IfWinActive ahk_class SteinbergWindowClass

send {up}


send {down}


That’s all of it, I’m going to keep trying to get it better by RTFM’íng the autohotkey help files to see what I haven’t got right

Best Regards
