Cubase on WoA


Is there any timeline for the release of Cubase for Windows on ARM?

I have tested the beta on my MBP and it seems fine so far. Is it preferable to offer ARM64X plugin builds, or a separate ARM64EC version? The latest SDK implies the former, no?



On Mac, you can run Cubadr natively already. Why would you go for WoA via Parallels (or similar) on Mac?

Hi Martin,

I’m perfectly aware of that. It isn’t that Mac + Parallels + WoA is the intended target platform, it just happens to be the development system I’m using.

There is a growing market for WoA devices and Steinberg is planning to offer native support for ARM devices running Windows. A beta version is available for developers. I was asking about their planned timeline regarding the release.


The release date is not a public information.

Okay, thanks. I’ll ask Armand over at the internal forum.


No one is allowed to say this kind of information.