Cubase Pro 10.5 crashes almost every time loading UJAM plugin FLUXX

Whenever I use FLUXX by UJAM as insert my cubase crashes like 80% of the time now and it wont recognize my UR-RT2 USB driver unless I reboot my audio interface.

Is there is anyone experiencing this issue please hit me up and tell me solution for this. Also, currently Im thinking of upgrading to Cubase Pro 11 and hoping there is no problem with it…

BTW reinstalling FLUXX didnt work at all.


Could you attach the .crash/.dmp file, please?

Mac: macOS Console utility > User Reports folder or Crash Reports in macOS 10.15 (or ~user/Library/Logs/Diagnostic Reports).
Win: Documents/Steinberg/Crash Dumps

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Cubase 64bit 2021.3.28 (1.0 MB) Cubase 64bit 2021.3.28 (1.0 MB)

Hello, thank you taking your time to look into my case. Although I found the file but it is somehow from March 28. My cubase crashed yesterday but that is the latest crash report I could find unfortunately. I hope it helps resolving my issue.


Please, update to the latest Cubase 10.5.30.

Hi Martin! I updated to the Cubase 10.5.30. and inserted FLUXX multiple times and crash didnt happen this time!

I think its never gonna happen again. Thank you so much for pointing out what was wrong and resolving my case!