Cubase Pro 10 "invalid project file" issue


I had a hard drive issue about two weeks ago, in which the hard drive that contained all my projects suddenly started to be very slow. Apparently all the data inside the External Hard Drive wasn’t avaiable anymore in just a few days, something happened to the disk and I was losing all my projects. Luckly I was able to save some of them in the main time, and now, with the use of a program, I’m recovering a bit by bit all the projects.

I have an issue with the latest ones I’ve saved with the program, tho… I’ve recovered all the contents of the folder of my projects (Audio, Image, Edits, and .cpr project) but if I try to open them, it says “The project file “X.cpr” is not valid!”

What does that mean? Can I recover it in some other way with Cubase? Did I loose the project anyways?

Thank you

Hi and welcome to the forum,

I’m afraid the project was corrupted. Do you have any older version or any *.bak file by any cance?

I do have some .bak files, but not for all my projects… What do I do with that file?

Thank you

You can open it in Cubase just like a .cpr file. In fact they are identical except for the file extension.

If you are using Pro (not sure about Artist) you could try using Import Tracks from Project… to pull the Tracks from the corrupted Project into a brand new one.

And now I’m going to transform into your mother telling you to eat your veggies

Situations like this are why everyone should be performing OS level Backups of their computers on a regular & automated schedule. Both Mac & Windows come with backup apps plus there are many 3rd party options too. Don’t wait for the day to come when you wish you had some backups, start doing them now.