Cubase pro 11, easy simple example files for working with scoring?

Hello Cubasians ! :slight_smile:
I want cubase files for Score editor, with various things. :slight_smile:
Is someone who want to tell me from where i can download simple and easy, or easy and simple, score files for learning using scoring in Cubase pro 11 ?:slight_smile:
I am not interested about using sound files, i want just to play with midi.

Like this? (unzip the file to reveal the midi file ) (990 Bytes)

I found it here, and there are many others: Midi Files Piano Level 6

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Maestro, thank you for relocating of this topic to the right place.
Steve, thank you for the information.
I had a little work with the usb-midi driver for korg pa. In the coming days I will start researching this section of the forum and I will also download the indicated files.
I was a beginner in using MuseScore, now I am getting started using Steinberg Cubase Pro 11.
I am also interested in knowing how I can use a single keyboard to play muisical notes on different midi channels. I read a bit about using the Midi Monitor and Midi Transformer utilities from the Midi Inserts menu.
I wrote this text in Romanian using Google Translate from Romanian to English.
Thank you for reading it.

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