Cubase quantize swing new problem

hello guys.
in cubase… i can not swing my 1/8th grid and set my grid to 1/16 at same time ?
i want to my 1/8 get 70% swing but also want to have a grid line for my 1/16 notes so i could know where i have should put my 1/16 notes to be quantized whitout changing back my 1/8 siwng grid
i set my swing in 1/8, but after i change by grids to another numbers my swing get reset… why?
what should i do?
please help


I can confirm, that by switching the “basis” value the Swing always resets.

The reason behind this is, you are switching presets, in fact. So if you would create a preset with 1/16 and Swing 70%, you could call it.

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my question is :
why i can not have a 1/16 grids that 1/8 lines gets swing?

(my main language is not english :D)


I see. You would like to get a Grid like this:
| 1/8 swing | 1/16 non-swing | 1/8 swing | 1/16 non-swing | ...

Sorry, this is not possible in Cubase.

Add the feature-request optional tag to your post, please.

Sorry, English is not my 1st language either.

thank you martin… you are excatly got what i want

thanks for 1st word :grin:
its good we can got eachother butaway :innocent: :grinning: