Cubase - reselling

I just put download code to my Steinberg Download Assistant Manager. I did not install or register or active product by the Activation Manager . Is it possible to remove it from my account and resell the license? I don’t see any option like "delete or “remove” in Download Assistant or Activation Managers.


Follow the Resale Wizard, please.

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"### Unregistered USB-eLicenser

If the USB-eLicenser holding the license of the software you intend to sell is not registered, you can pass it on without further ado. The new owner will be able to register the USB-eLicenser with his/her own account."

So if I sell my USB-eLicenser somebody could simply enter code to Download Assistant and register the same product? What about icon of “Cubase” in “My product downloads”? Does it mean that Download Code is not connected to My Steinberg Account?

Download Access Code is different thing than Activation Code?
I saw somewhere that during opening installed program it will be activate automatically.


Was your USB-eLicenser registered in your MySteinberg account? You have to follow the other path if you can see it in your MySteinberg account. Please, don’t remove it from your MyStienberg account, this doesn’t help. You have to transfer the license properly.

Yes, it’s something different.

I see Cubase in

  • “My product downloads” - Steinberg Download Manager
  • “Not Activated” - Steinberg Activation Manager
    and in “Show Steinberg Licensing-based product” but I only put Download Code in Download Manager, I did not install program. I just insert USB-eLicenser for a moment and it didn’t even show in Finder (MacOs).

Does it need I have to transfer the license the other way? And which is that “other way”?


What Cubase version and edition exactly do you own?

USB-eLicenser is not visible in Finder, it’s visible in eLicenser Control Center aplication.

Cubase Pro 12


Cubase Pro 12 does not use USB-eLicenser at all. Therefore in the Release Wizard select the Steinberg Licensing option, please.

Sorry, USB-eLicenser is Cubase Pro 11 but in Download Assistant it shows as “updated?” to Cubase Pro 12


If you activate your Cubase (for the first time), it always gives you the most recent version. So if Cubase 12 was already released (or close to the release) in that time, you got Cubase 12 license for free.

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It sounds like you typed in the Download Access Code already. That would have activated the license to your account.
Use the Steinber Licensing part in the Resell Wizard, as Martin suggested and follow the instructions there.


Thank you!