Cubase + Teamviewer = No audio


Is it possible to route audio from my PC (RME FF400) via Teamviewer to my friend ?
We do a test today. He does hear my audio from Windows Media Player. And “Ping” from Teamviewer settings also. But sound from Cubase doesn’t play on friends PC.

How to route audio from Cubase to Teamviewer ?

(VST connect even not connecting…)

Thanks for help.

Hi serenity,

you should check where CB sends his audio. You might have to send the Audio to Windows Sound (not the RME) or disable the Audio Chip on your Mobo so all audio is forced through the RME.
Check your system settings (control panel > Sound). This will list you the available audio devices and you can select, which program routes to which device. Gove it a try.

BR - Zibin