Cubase timing goes out after system running for 30 minutes or so

Cubase 14 Pro with latest update.
Windows 10.
Loads of disk space.
MOTU828ES with ADAT to two 8PRE interfaces.

If I have a session running for a moderate period of time Cubase stops being in time with itself. The symptom is demonstrated by:

  • midi piano notes not firing off at the right times
  • keyboard presses of midi controllers being sounded with latency
  • audio clock to other devices (DIN SYNC, control voltage) being behind the grid


  • Restarting Cubase doesn’t help
  • Restaring MOTU 828ES fixes issue
  • Restarting PC fixes issue

I have no idea what to to about this and need some help to resolve.

could be related to midi clock system timer issues. In the midi system setup you have 3 options for midi. No tick, which uses windows midi, tick directmusic, which uses directmusic (surprising) and windows RT midi. Try changing these options one by one.
I checked and you have evn more tick boxes then I remembered. All might cure it. It will be trial and error. Also you can post here how it is set now and I might have a clue. My settings and they are working are only use device direct music ticked. Rest unticked.