You can always buy just the latest Cubase version. Which is Cubase 13 at this moment. With Cubase 13 license, you can start also Cubase 12.
If everything went right, you should see Cubase 11 (Not upgradable) license on your USB-eLicenser and Cubase 13 liense in the Steinberg Activation Manager.
If you have already used a Cubase 11 licence to upgrade to Cubase 12, then the Cubase 11 licence cannot be upgraded again. You must buy a Cubase 12 to 13 upgrade, and apply that to the existing Cubase 12 licence.
Recently i upgraded cubase 11 to cubase 13, but the studio was stolen and cubase 11 USB license.
I want to know how can I get cubase 13 license??
Thank you very much
Your Cubase 13 license exists in your Steinberg account. You can sign in and use the Activation Manager and authorize/deauthorize a machine at any given time of day, anywhere.