Cubase...What Is Wrong With People?

This is Confirmation Bias, and additionally, the complaint has no context- is the user someone who would like to import .m4a files daily? Weekly? How much do these lacunae impede the work of said user, if they do not not sufficiently motivate him to learn another daw?

If this user were to reside under a sugar maple tree which was dripping sap unpleasantly upon his head and shoulders, whereas the trees all around appeared perfectly dry to his eyes, and he yet remain under the sappy maple tree, is the question really whether one tree drips less sap than the others? :wink: :stuck_out_tongue:

Well, as someone doing this for a living I can’t possibly worry about upgrade costs of 50.00 or whatever.

Logic to me is like entering an old haunted house (used it for years), awful looking mixer, terrible manual beat mapping, Reaper…powerful and ugly lol…each to his own though.

Love the Cubase Control Room, love the way it looks, does everything I need. Only thing I wish it had was Digital Performers stretch algorithm which I think sounds better. But that’s nit picking. Quite happy here!

I’m a 20+ years Pro Tools guy, and within that time used Abelton and Logic for MIDI stuff. I am now on the Cubase train and so far finding a lot of things I really enjoy about Cubase. In reality, I love all these apps and not one stands out as a do-it-all the best app.

My recent experience is that Cubase is glorious in most areas, but a little frustrating for those of us who are used to common features in other DAWs. This could well be my lack of understanding as I am only a few months in with Cubase, no show stoppers that’s for sure but a few tedious workarounds are required.

For example…

  • No export of Audio Clips from the main project window? (Abelton drag and drop, Pro Tools APPLE SHIFT K) I believe Nuendo has this.
  • No automatic setup of project folder
  • Backup files scattered within the project folder
  • No automation graphic over main Clip view
  • Key command search only moves forward in going through the results, miss what you were looking for and you have to go round again
  • I’m not sure 2 commands for Key Commands that could be toggled. For example Open Editor / Close editor
  • No Render In Place for Group or Folder tracks!

Way more things that are very good though :slight_smile: