I find myself 2000 miles from home and I forgot the USB dongle to get Cubase 11 going…is there any way around it???
I would consider upgrading if it was easy and was under 150$. to pro 13…
No, there isn’t any way to use C11 without your dongle… But you could get the 60 Day Trial of Cubase 13 for free. Use that until you return. Have a look on SB site for details.
The update would need to “see” your 11 license on the USB-eLicenser to be validated. So, no, not easy (actually impossible) in your situation. Also, it wouldn’t be under $150.
I agree this is the best (perhaps only) solution, especially if considering updating at some point anyway.
I follow the link to Steinberg but nothing happens when I click…
is there something going on?? I am on a VPN…
the Steinberg servers seemed to be overloaded for a couple of days but I finally did get the trial of 13 Pro downloaded on a Mac laptop. I normally wouldn’t use it on a laptop. I noticed Halion 7 is a much better VST and it seemed to me the overall sonics and features in Pro are better than Artist. I think it might be worth the upgrade if I can get at least 100$ credit for my Artist 11. Will I be able to get that discount in mid March/April 2024?? I will have access to my dongle then…what do you know??
You can get that right now …
… looks like a $250 “credit” to me.
You can wait and see if an upgrade discount offer comes along sometime, though. It’s possible, but only Steinberg knows for sure if and/or when.
Even with an upgrade, you still need the dongle to run Cubase 11. Upgrading to 12 or 13 doesn’t magically remove the eLicenser protection from the app…
Thank you for correcting my badly typed message. (Of course I’m fully aware there is no way to magically remove the need for the dongle).
I have corrected my statement so it’s no longer confusing.
why wouldn’t any project in 11 work in 13 pro…? Why would anyone want to use 11 after an upgrade???
Steinberg has a record of my 11 artist license and dongle. Is there a way
to get the upgrade to 13 pro without access to the dongle with that in mind?? It seems like there should be a way…??
The dongle has to marked as “upgrsded” version. Otherwise you could simply give it to someone else. I get your point though.
As I mentioned originally though, if you’re stuck, just get the 13 trial. It should last long enough until you’re reunited with your dingle?
Btw. Just to be clear, v11 projects will load into v13, no issues.
Yep, like @Phil_Pendlebury said, the upgrade needs to literally upgrade/update your license on the dongle. It will change the license on the dongle to ‘Upgraded’, so someone else cant use it for a ‘free’ cheap upgrade. At that point it will start the conversion and you will end up with a new license in the Steinberg Activation Manager for 13 and can kiss the eLicenser goodbye should you wish.
It doesn’t matter if Steinberg knows you own it, the hardware needs to be present so the software can do what it needs to.
I usually use Donglify - share USB dongles over a network connection when traveling for work. It lets me access my dongle remotely, which is really convenient and works well.
And this works with Cubase? If I understand it correctly the device with the physical dongle has to be online as a precondition, right?
I think they both have to be online.
And only $39 a month!
It’d be cheaper to upgrade to C14.