Cubasis 3 and midi cc not working

Hi all,

I have a question I hope is a simple solution but hours googling I couldn’t find a solution

I have just set myself up with Cubasis 3 on iPad as I’m on the road atm and away from my proper Cubase setup. While it’s obviously not the same as the home studio it’s so nice to have something familiar to work with while away.

I’m trying to record some string parts with midi cc data using a midi controller. The only one that a track seems to read is pitch bend. I want to record at least midi cc 7 and 11. Even if I draw in the cc curves in the key editor after recording the notes it doesn’t seem to recognise it even then on playback

I know I can midi learn the overall track volume but that’s not ideal. Am I missing a simple setting that is not allowing the track to read midi cc data?

Thank you for any assistance

Hi Andrew,
Welcome to the Cubasis community.
Could you elaborate more on what you are trying to do?
What midi controller are you using to record the strings?

Could it be that the instrument/plug-in that is being used simply doesn’t respond to CC7 (Volume) and CC11(Expression)?

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Hi and thank you for your replies, I’m using a pcr 300 keyboard.

Basically what I was ideally trying to achieve would be to use the midi cc 1, 7 and 11 in a similar way that I would use when recording with the Berlin and Spitfire strings on my main set up. Like say starting a long violin note from pp that could swell to ff and back down. I know all that kind of thing is going to be limited on the iPad compared to a full desktop version but I thought I may have just missed a setting somewhere.

I’ve downloaded the Halion pack and am building a small orchestra template with that but like what was said before, maybe those instruments aren’t programmed to respond to those midi cc inputs. If so I’ll build the template using groups for master volume of the sections and then seperate controls for the individual instruments as a work around.

Thank you again for the replies, if anyone has a suggestion of their favourite orchestral samples in Halion or any of the other downloadable content I’d love to hear your successes

Seems like you could be right after reading Andrew’s latest post.

This is just a suggestion and it works for many external midi keyboard connection problems, download the free app from the App Store called MIDI Wrench, it’s known as the Swiss Army knife for all things MIDI, just launch it and leave it running in the background whilst using Cubasis, it is a MIDI monitor and also acts as a internal midi link, my Novation Impulse 61 pitch bend wheel will only work when MIDI Wrench is running.

HALion Sonic
Operating keys C0 to G0 (key switches) usually by inserting midi notes on the midi event track, can play different samples in the HALion Sonic/Strings/Large Strings VX, these key switches are great for choosing between staccato 1/staccato 2/trem/slide down/hard bowing/soft, I have used these to great effect on an orchestral track I covered a few months ago, but as far as controlling the swells, I wrote them in using Automation.

Thank you for the replies and suggestions. I was just a little confused that even the string instruments that come standard don’t respond to volume and expression midi cc so thought I must be needing to change a setting somewhere.

Anyways I’ll work around it do the best I can

To be honest, I have never tried using pedals with Cubasis, checking through the Audiobus forums on this matter tells me other users are having the same problems as you.
Sorry I could not help further.