Cubasis feature reqeuest tempo track

Dear Steinberg folks, I have been using Cubase (including a version bundled with a Terratec Maestro sound card also named Cubasis) since 1997, currently running 11 Pro.

When looking for a solution to that would allow me to play live using audio stems/midi exported from Cubase. I decided to try the - all new rewritten from scratch - Cubasis 3. I was expecting a very slimmed down version of Cubase but not being able to change tempo or signature renders the product useless to me.

Hi @lucasvanlierop,

Thank you for your message and welcome to the Cubasis forum.

Tempo track support remains on our list for quite some.
Unfortunately we are unable to give an estimation, when the feature will become available.


Best wishes,

Same here Iā€™m still on cubasis 2 and refuse to upgrade until a tempo time sig track is available.
I import many older midi files that were created 30 years ago using steinberg pro 24 on an Atari 1040ste, even that could handle tempo/time changes. Iā€™m sure my iPad Pro is powerful enough especially as it can do audio that the pro 24 couldnā€™t.
Also I am a Cubase pro user but would rather take the iPad to gigs etc rather than a laptop.

Do the tempo track is now avalaible?
I buy an Ipad Pro and cubasis 3 as portable studio solution. Iā€™m a little bit disapointed not to be able to change tempo during trackā€¦
But for sure , I can buy synths, drum Box Fx for extra cashā€¦

Weā€™ll have to wait a while longer. Nobody will tell us whether it is months or years ā€¦

Just making a 2/2/22 check up on the status of multi tempo project.

They say the planet will be on fire by 2025, should I just give up on multi tempo project on cubasis3? (Iā€™m being overly dramatic i know :wink: ) It seems like a very complicated feature, at this point we just want honesty not a date.

Just adding my voice wishing for a tempo (and time signature) track.
Iā€™m fairly new to Cubasis but Iā€™m finding Iā€™m getting so much more music done than when I was on other DAWs - workflow, stability are both far better- but I really am missing the ability to change tempo and time signatures in a track

I just bought a nice MacBook in the end. So stupidly much more useful than an iPad Iā€™m just gonna stick to Ableton for recording stuff on the go, so gave up on ever using my iPad as anything more than an overpowered controller (and hence have given up on the idea of waiting for Cubase to gain tempo tracks and me buying it). Unsubscribe timeā€¦

What I would love to see is a more stream lined mixing workflow. The only reason I keep Auria pro around is for mixing. Cubasis as sweet as it is and as good as it sounds has a sloppy mixing workflow. We need floating windows and effect slots that stay on the faders. There is nothing more irritating than while mixing trying to gain stage your plug in and not have the ability to see your master fader without having to X out of the plug in then pull the mixer back up see the level hit the e button go back in the plug in gain stage some more repeat until your happy. Auria has the most efficient, professional mixing board on iOS. Buy them out give the guy a job and take the mixer lol. Seriously do so. Once I start mixing in Auria I set my locators pull up the mixing window I donā€™t have to exit the mixer window until the mix is complete. Other than that I have enjoyed watching cubasis grow. My first daw was Nuendo 3 so Iā€™m at home with Steinberg. The second image is an example of what my mind sees for the future of Cubasis. Create send tracks then let the ā€œe buttonā€ become the home for send levels.

can anyone of the cubase guys responsible for prioritizing the backlog for cubasis at least then be so kind to let us know when the product owner will allow tempo track to become a part of cubasis?
am i and a handful of other people the only ones who love to have this feature because they are not composing in one tempo?? it is so hard to believe for meā€¦