Cubasis rock-solid - kudos to the Steinberg team!

Just wanted to make an appreciation post highlighting the reliability of Cubasis on an iPad. Well done, team Steinberg!

I’ve now played two live shows with Cubasis as the “brain” of our live setup, playing back audio tracks, and triggering DMX lights and video projections via MIDI, and it performed flawlessly. This is a big deal to me, esp. coming from a dedicated piece of live playback hardware that would crash unpredictably, which obviously cannot happen during a live show.

I do have one request though: During both shows, I accidentally touched things on the touchscreen that I shouldn’t have, and almost created a catastrophic situation that I was barely able to recover from. So the UI is really not made for this purpose.

I’d love a “live mode” where the only UI elements on screen are project selection, and basic transport controls (play/rewind/stop), and those UI elements are BIG.

Details as to why at the end of this post I had already made about this - it really is an issue when trying to use Cubasis live.