hi . I just moved to nuendo 13. in Nuendo 11 I had it configured so that my first press of the space bar starts playback at the curser position and the second press of space bar stops the curser. the third press of space bar starts playback again from the exact curser position that it just stopped on, it does not jump back. I do not want it to jump back. how do I get Nuendo 13 to behave this way? how do I set this in preferences? I have set 13 to the 11 prefs but it still doesn’t work. thank you.
there used to be a check box in Preferences-transport-“return to start position on stop” check or un check. this is not there in Nuendo 13. where did this go? this is what I would like to un check.
THANK YOU! THANK YOU! I was getting worried about this possibility disappearing. I would be so lost without this. very much appreciate you and I am going to save your videos right now.
Hit the 0 (zero) on the nr pad once = Stop where you are
Hit the same 0 a second time (or with a fast “double click”) = Return to Start Position on Stop
PS. In the menu, you have to have the “Return to Start Position on Stop” toggled OFF… Just as mentioned in the video above.
This way you don’t need to set up any macros, or anything else to remember and/or keep track of.
Anyway, this has been my method for 25 years… so it’s pretty much engraved in my brain