Custom Color Scheme has a mind of its own

The standard color scheme (of cubase11pro) has this weird/annoying behavior. It keeps changing in small steps, so I have to reset it after some time to prevent it from getting dark.

  • Goto Preferences - ‘Custom color scheme’
  • Choose the third default color that sets the ‘Custom color scheme’ to rgb: 73,92,112
  • Close/save preferences by pressing Ok
  • Cpen Preferences - ‘Custom color scheme’ and see it has been adjusted to: 71,91,109
  • Cancel the preferences window by pressing cancel
  • Restart cubase
  • Open Preferences - ‘Custom color scheme’ and see it has been adjusted to: 69.89, 107

Is this a bug? Is there a way to prevent this from happening?

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It’s a bug. For many years already. It is one of the bugs where no customer can understand why it is impossible for Steinberg to fix it.
There are three ways you can deal with it: Laughing, shaking you head in disbelief, or crying. Feel free to mix any of these three schemes.

Yeah, it’s a bug that’s been around since Cubase 10.

Thanks for the confirmation.

It makes me really sad. These annoying bugs keep interrupting my workflow.
And I wasted a few hours trying to understand and how I can make this working.