Custom hairpin graphic for percussion piece

The percussion piece evolves, and after inputting all notes and casting it off, I’m not in the process of adding the special notation. Here is what I need to do:

Please focus on the curious hairpin above the note. This is, in the composer’s notation, showing the player to accelerate the tremolo and it is also used as a deceleration.
There are two main road that I’ve already explored:

  1. use an ordinary hairpin, which allows precise management of aperture; add a horizontal line, then place them together in Engrave mode (FR: add an option to manually group objects together). The problem with this approach is that Dorico doesn’t allow me to have two hairpins at the same time. As soon as I add the crescendo here, it gets grouped with the dynamics below the staff and the original diminuendo is lost.
  2. use a vector drawing program, create the two variants, and import them. Now, two more roads open: either create a playing technique with it or use a graphic frame. Both these roads have several drawbacks: the playing technique will always be fixed in size, while I would need this to be flexible, while a graphic frame will be fixed in place and resizing it will keep proportions. Not exactly what I need.

How would you approach this?
Is there a solution to option 1 to get more than one hairpin at the same time? I’ve tried to create it in another voice but since there is no music in that voice, it doesn’t work. I could add music to the new voice, then change size/opacity and try again, but I’d rather not.
We cannot create custom lines based on hairpins (yet?), nor add graphics as source for the line body. Can we have graphics that are attached to a rhythmic position and that stay editable in proportions?

Thank you for your insight.

I did something somewhat similar in a violin piece of mine, and I faked it with a second voice and fanned beaming. It was done back in 3.5, and I wasn’t at the top of my Dorico game back then yet (you can see a stem that should be 0-width, but this could be removed in a DDP), but maybe that’s a way for you to explore?
Basically I was hiding Noteheads (much easier now) and stems (but if both stems are hidden, the beam disappears, thus the very thing stem on the right).

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You should be able to do this with “local” dynamics and a second voice (which, I would believe, doesn’t need to contain anything but the hairpin).

Yes, this is possible via the popover, not the keyboard shortcut.

Actually, this is not working consistently.
Most of the times, the existing hairpins are being either overwritten or even changed.
Adding them to another rhythmic position in bar then causes issues even in Engrave Mode where things just should not move…

Are you certain to enter the dynamics with alt-enter in the popover?

I’m quite certain I am not!
Would that restrain it to a specific voice?
I used Alt+ only for time and key signatures so far.

Yes, alt-Enter is either voice specific for dynamics or staff specific for key and time signatures. It’s one of the nice consistencies of Dorico :slight_smile:

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