Custom Rehearsal Marks

You can get text items closer to your desired end position, and without having to move the tempo mark so much as well, by disabling text collision avoidance:

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Hi Daniel.
What about using Rehearsal Marks as in my previous post?
Is there a way that only the ones over Tempo Marks are placed further above?

In Engraving Options > Rehearsal Marks, you can set 2 different values:

  • One for the minimum gap between rehearsal marks and the staff
  • Another for the minimum gap between rehearsal marks and anything else

You could try reducing the first value (to the staff) but increasing the second value (away from other items)?

It works to some extent, but the Tempo Mark continues to be further to the right

So, there was one more step.
Here is the summary of the solution:
1- Choose rehearsal marks to be numbers and add "Var. " (with the space) as a prefix:

2- Choose align with bottom of enclosure

3- Change mainly the distance outside staff, and change distance to other items if needed:

This is the result:

Thank you for your help.


Another issue:

The Rehearsal Mark (“Var. 6”, etc.) has been automatically placed over the blue limit line, even though there is a lot of blank space below on the page.
Is there a way Dorico will automatically bring the system down so the Rehearsal Mark doesn’t cross over the blue limit line?

Thank you.

No, at the moment Dorico doesn’t provide an option to automatically move the outermost systems inwards such that items protruding beyond the outermost staff of the system should remain within the frame, but this is something that users do request, and it’s something we expect to implement in a future version.

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