Custom Repeat box : | 1. 3. instead of 1. 2


I would like to write this kind of repeat box :

| 1. 3. instead of 1. 2.

How can I do this ?

You can do that by entering a Custom text in Engrave mode by following these steps:

Edit: ignore this, see Lillie’s answer below :slight_smile:

Better yet, tell the repeat ending to have 3 playthroughs total:

Then in Engrave mode, assign goes-around 1 and 3 to the first segment, and 2 to the second:


Thank you Zalde, Actually your solution was best to my concern. I’ll remember Lillie’s answer , too, but it Wrote 1. 2. in the first repeat box, and 3. in the 3rd.

With your solution I could write 1. 3. in the first repeat box.

Thanks again for your help !

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Hi @Lapieuvre, please consider that using Custom text will not playback correctly, while using Times played for segment will playback as expected:

Dorico file:

times played for segment vs custom text in repeatings.dorico (654.7 KB)

Nevertheless, using 1.3.|2. the repeating is being played back after the D.C., even if Replay repeats is deactivated (do I miss something?):


If you follow part 2 of Lillie’s answer (setting the Times played for segment option in Engrave mode as per the second link in her post), it will playback correctly as @Christian_R has demonstrated. :slight_smile:

Adding the To Coda marker at the end of the first ending, as in OP’s screenshot, does make Dorico play it back correctly (if you’ve also added a Coda somewhere). If I had to sight read this 1.3|2 structure and there was no To Coda marking at that spot, to be honest I also wouldn’t know for sure what I’d be expected to do… maybe Dorico doesn’t know either :smiley:.

I agree that Lillies solution is the “better” option as it is the most complete and ensures correct playback (and I’m glad I learned something new), but it needs more clicks to execute. If playback is not your main concern (for me it isn’t in the slightest), the quicker option can be more practical.

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I tried it, but for some reason doesn’t work. Any ideas?
times played for segment vs custom text in repeatings-to coda not working.dorico (683.6 KB)

Okay this is strange. First thing I did was change the D.C. to D.C. al Coda (because I found out in my own project that Dorico wouldn’t jump to the Coda otherwise), but then the strangeness ensued.

In my own project, I had apparently placed the To Coda marking one grid position to the left of the right-hand barline of the first ending. Not intentionally but due to sloppiness while trying to cook up an example in a rush. Apparently, the To Coda does playback when it’s not exactly at the barline, but it doesn’t play back when it’s positioned at the barline (which is where I’d normally place it as well). I guess when Dorico hits the repeat marker, that takes precedence in this situation. So adding the To Coda marker does not solve that problem.