DAW Controller: Lock Group Channels to Fader


I’m planning to buy a controller. The choices at the moment are SSL UF8, Behringer X-Touch, AVID S1. Is it possible to assign my group channels to faders and lock them so that they are always available on the controller regardless of the selected channel?

Thank you.

Best Regards.

Using the AVID MC Mix you can filter the type of channel you want to assign, so you can select in Eucon only groups and that is. If you use more Eucon controllers and want to manage audiotracks for example in other surfaces, you can lock the channel you want in any fader. I think you can do the same with S1. X-Touch replicates the view of the main mixer window.

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The only console that is able to do this is the Smart AV Tango (no longer in production). I have a Tango and having that (Hold) button is incredible handy during a mix.

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