Dead midi notes after dragging from Chords

So I had a Chord track and dragged the Chord Events down to a MIDI track, but some of the MIDI notes are disabled (white, “dead”) and can’t be enabled by clicking with the Mute cursor (the “X”).

It looks like below, the white notes remain white 'n dead, no matter how I click, trying to unmute them:

Cubase 14, what is happening to me? :scream:

The problem was there already with the Midi Events (before I glued the events together), even if I made sure that the Event gave room to the notes inside the Event, aso.

I’ve not seen this thing happening in Cubase 13, or did I miss something?


This track was created in Cubase 14, and when I open it in Cubase 13, it’s the same problem. The notes are stuck.

I can’t drag (transpose) the red notes with the mouse (stuck), and if I try to transpose 12 semitones with SHIFT-UP, only the white notes moves:

The color scheme is set to “channel”, but all notes are are on channel 1.:

Something seems to have happened with the state of the notes when creating them from Chords.

Also, when I try “Render in place”, everything is out of tune, but not when I play the Chord track…

< scratching head >

What can I/should I try next to get unstuck from this gloomy state?


The problem went away after restarting the computer.