I don’t use them a whole lot but there are different potential applications - I’m not sure exactly what the original intent and application was… I’m guessing it was meant more for TV/Film, and I’m pretty sure intended to use sort of in tandem with the Pool/Libary, but they don’t have to be.
They are essentially cycle markers for audio FILES, or, you can look at them as clips which is essentially what they are.
For example, lets say you had a drum-bed performance you wanted to take sections from into another project. You could first go in and Region mark different bars, fills, etc, and then in the Pool these would appear as clips you could drag into the timeline as you need.
The way I use them, is to sort of index ideas.
One of my main ways of writing/composing new ideas, is to just hit record and jam/improv. This could be with electric guitar, or it could be a repeating synth sequence in which Im changing the sound. These “jams” can end up quite long, 15 minutes to an hour, and most of it is garbage, but there’s some gold scattered throughout. I might not have time to work on it and turn it into a real project, but I’ll at least listen back and create regions for the really good parts I know I will want to listen to later or extract later.
I’ll create a Library, or use an already relevant existing Library and drag the full audio file in there with the Regions from the Pool into the Library.
I have Libraries full of these ideas, the Regions let me skip to those good parts when listening and figure out what I want to turn into a project next… and it only uses the one audio file.
So I also use Libraries for exports of stages of a mix I’m working on. I continuously export a song mix as I’m working on it, so I can listen to where I’ve ended and how, and I can go back and reference. Same thing when working on a composition, I always export the different, let’s say landmark stages of a composition. Sometimes there are things I did early on that were better and I suspect want to re-incorporate in the new mix/composition, well I can create a region there to remind myself later… which should be mentioned…
…Libraries, you can also create Regions in the audio files without even having a project open, ie, you can open the Audio Editor from a Library file, you can even add DOP here. You can open as many Libraries as you want without needing to open that project or project version. So you current project can stay open, and you can open a library just to listen. I’ll open a Library of ideas just to take a break and listen to something else.
I could also see them being used in such a way, where, maybe you are dealing with consolidated files that have a lot silence in between say, dialogue, you might not want to have to listen to 2 minutes of silence, so you can use the region markers to skip to where there is actually material.
Or, maybe have some clips in your project that share one audio file, and there’s other parts of that audio file you aren’t using in the project yet but suspect you may want to use them in the future, you can just have them Region marked to access them fast when you do want them.
I could see it being used for location sound as well, marking assets, problematic sound, good sound, what probably needs ADR, etc.