Delete Cue

I accidentally created two cues in the same bars that overlap. I want to delete the wrong one, but do not see any way to do that.

Select the Cue region and delete. (Cues in Dorico are merely pointers to the actual music other staves, with the region defining the beginning and end points.)

Not sure what you mean by cue region. I chose it in this drum part and there was no choice to hide or delete. Do you mean I have to delete the part the cue is pointing to?

No, no…absolutely not! Let me do a little digging…

Here’s a helpful video:

And here’s a link to the manual:

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Hi @cccm,

I made a little video to show visually how to proceed, as @judddanby suggested above


Yes, @Christian_R’s video is very helpful. The orange dots and instrument name show the range of a cue “region” (at least that’s what I call it; probably not Dorico’s official term), which can be extended/shortened just like dragging the beginning/end of a slash or chord region. And simply selecting the name of a cue and hitting delete does…well, exactly that.

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Thank you for showing me what a cue region is. However, the brass cue has a name and when I click on it you can adjust the region. The bars that show two cues have no names and to click on to adjust the region.

If you inserted a cue many bars before (and maybe you selected a very long passage before inserting the cue, so that the cue extends for many bars, including the bars where the collision is), and there were many bars rest in between the first part of this very long cue and the place where the collision appears, your start control point may be positioned much earlier in the piece. Try to look for it in the (many) bars before your cues collision appears.
Or you can look for the end control point, that may be many bars after the collision.
In your example, you can experiment: what happens if you delete the saxes cue? Delete it and observe what and where something disappears: so you can see the range/lenght of the actual cue. Then repeat for the Brass cue… etc.

Or just share the Dorico file for us to have a look. :wink:

(and sorry for the long explanation, I hope is clear enough)


Reno, look for the start of that cue, select the little instrument name (like dr. or sax.) and hit delete.

There is no name to select to delete.
Before I add a 3 bar cue for Timbales. Note that there are no rests above the staff

I add a trumpet cue and now there are rests above bars 199.200,201

I add a alto cue bar 199 for 3 bars and the cue continues to the end of the slash section. Well beyond the 3 bars and collides with the cue with no name (which are trumpets)

I just realized the rests 199-201 are from the trumpet cue which does not have a name and I cannot delete!

If you attach the project here, it’ll probably save you some time in the long (and even the short) run.

I think I will live with this for a bit. However, I am having real volume issues with violins. The first 10bars are very quiet and adding a dynamic does not increase the volume. Bar 10 they become much much loader than the first 10 bars.

It is best to post your project here to receive help and relief instantly.
You may cut it down beforehand or change pitches, if you are worried about your piece.
It will also save your helpful forum fellows from guessing and poking in the dark.
You posted your case 5 days ago, and in more than 10 posts people are trying to help you.
Let me use a picture: you are in a hospital, the doctors can’t start the cure because you reject an x-ray.


Good idea. Here is a link to a very reduced score. Even this small of a score is to big to upload.
Here are the issues:
Violins- bar 1 to 10 very quiet. Bar 11 full volume
Horn falls do not sound ex. Bar 14 1st Trumpet
I cannot delete the cue in bars 21-25 in the Timbale and Percussion 1 parts

Generally you have many mismatched Expression Maps for your instruments, so I am not surprised that playback misbehaves.

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Interesting. Can you show one or two mismatches and which expression map I should use?

How about your first instrument…

Resetting will not be straightforward because you are mixing Garritan instruments with Iconica. You should go through each instrument and select an appropriate expression map for it.

Deleting the cues was easy.

  1. select the little names at the start of the cues:
  2. hit Delete (Backspace). Result: the cues are gone:

    And here is your project with all cues deleted:
    dorico forum 10_31_24 - cues deleted.dorico (3.4 MB)

Thanks. Interestingly I had to move slash notation away from the timbale part with the first brass cue. With the slash in place to the end the brass cued followed along. Anyway, problem solved and learned something new.