Delete Doubles. Can anyone create a Logical Editor preset?

Yes, Delete Doubles is a Cubase function, however iirc, the lengths of both midi notes has to be the exact ticks? If they are not exact, I have no clue as how the parameters were set for that stock function. I assume it’s a built in LE function, but I can’t find any LE presets that are similar.

And there are continual posts about it not working. I know it needs to be the same channel. If not, just use the List Editor to separate.

Had the question from another forum and it got me wondering;

Has anyone ever created a LE preset that would remove midi double notes on the same channel and is user definable ticks in a LE so hidden notes in similar but not exact length will be removed?


Unfortunately, this is not possible, as there is no counter in the Logical Editor.

No, but the start of the note has to be exact. The length can differ.
If the start of the overlapping notes only differ slightly, you can first Quantize all the notes, use Delete Doubles and then reset the quantization to bring the notes back.

yes, this works. (soft quantize must be disabled)

Ok, that’s good to know…the start tick needs to be exact.

Is that a quantize history? I don’t want to undo delete doubles.

Good reminder. I was thinking about different channels, but forgot a lot of users enable soft quantize that would mess up the start tick.

No, it’s a function. You can find it in the Edit menu, the Quantize panel and in the left zone of the Key Editor. “Reset Quantize”.

It is also available as a Key Command which means you could turn all three operations into a Macro.

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So you are saying Delete Doubles is not a built-in LE function?

It seems like there should be a way to user-define Delete Doubles with some sort of range. So probably a FR. fwiw, I don’t understand what you mean by “counter.”


I’m going to try this. If all notes are focused on an entire track, then I think this solves the issue unless I’m overlooking something.

One thing to be aware of is that Quantize in Cubase is non-destructive. This means that every time you apply quantize you do so on the original MIDI. I.e. it doesn’t stack. If you want your Quantize to become permanent you can use the command Freeze Quantize.



Quantize is applied in real-time. So you can reset or re-quantize in any given time.

No, it’s not based on Logical Editor. It’s a dedicated function.

Oh, you mean:

  • Quantize
  • Delete Doubles
  • Reset Quantize

Interesting… I was never thinking of this. :+1:

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I still have issue:
Here are 2 longer notes, G1 and D1.

The inside notes, F#1 and C1 I will ctr+sft+alt constrain so both are “hidden” inside the respective longer notes.
Snap type is Grid. Quantize is set to 1/8. No soft quantize, no auto apply.

G1 is an example. When you quantize, the short G1 its going to quantize to the nearest 8th note so delete doubles won’t work.

However with the D1 note, with the shorter D1 inside the longer D1, I can’t get the macro Quantize>delete doubles>reset quantize to work. Quantize>Delete Doubles…but reset quantize does nothing.

My expectation is that the short D1 will be deleted, and the longer D1 will stay in the same place.

With @Martin.Jirsak basic macro, the result is the long D1 gets deleted, and the short D1 gets quantized. I want the short D1 to be deleted and the long D1 to stay at the same position.

I added Freeze Midi Quantize as the first step in Martins macro, but ended up with the Long D1 deleted, and the short D1 staying in the same position.

In Martins macro when you delete doubles, which double will be deleted? By default I guess the shorter one gets deleted?

Am I doing something wrong here?

That’s a pretty extreme difference which begs the question, are they actually “doubles” at this point? But you could make it work by simply quantizing to a higher value, say 1/4.

My understanding of Delete Doubles is that the function, which has been around since forever, was created to combat double notes being recorded due to MIDI settings on your keyboard and/or Cubase being incorrectly set. (Something with MIDI Through and Local On. It’s been so long, I can’t remember exactly.) When this ancient problem arose the notes were typically dead on the same in both length and start location and therefore it didn’t matter which of the two notes got deleted. Your use case seems a lot different which makes me wonder—what is the actual problem you’re trying to solve and where does it come from?


This is correct. The function is named Delete Doubles, not Delete Overlapping Notes.

There is the Delete Overlaps (Mono) function. But I believe, this is not, what you want. I’m afraid, you have to do your use case manually.

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Just making assumptions, @mlib : I could imagine this situation appears if a multi-take recording is done via cycle (always playing different note parts), and then those takes are merged in the one part (only realizing then, that some recorded notes are “doubled”).
Recording like that is not of standard type - like a musician would play - but it might get pretty creative the way I described here.

Wouldn’t the Quantize, Delete Doubles, Reset Quantize operations in this case work?


I have already recomended this:

And it seems it doesn’t fulfil the use case.

I was replying to @Northunder specifically.

Actually, I recommended this and you just reiterated what I wrote.

Which is what exactly?
I tested it and it works just fine over here.


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I agree. All credits go for you. :wink:

I’m afraid, @Northunder expects to keep the longer notes in this case.

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I didn’t see them say that anywhere in their post, but I could be wrong.


You are right. Sorry, it was @Greg_Purkey :

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