Delete one bar wants to add bars?

For some reason, I don’t know why, I have an extra bar at the end of the piece after adding a tablature staff to the score. Since there’s no way to my knowledge to add bars with the keyboard without using a pop-over, I must assume that it’s something Dorico has done on its own? However, when I try to delete this bar I select the rest in that bar and type shift-B and -1 after which the dialog below appears. I’m not trying to add bars, I’m trying to delete one! Note that the end of the piece has a “normal” ending barline and this bar below also has one, although it isn’t included in the screenshot.

Thomas, can you make the System Track visible and delete the last bar from within there?
Toggle System Track on/off is alt/option T.

That dialog comes up when there’s no time signature. Do you really have bars?

Otherwise just delete the crotchet with -1q.

You can try typing “trim” in the Bars popover, which will remove any empty measures at the end of the flow. If it doesn’t remove it, it’s not empty!

No I can’t delete it that way.

Yes, I do have a whole piece in 3/4. 27 bars, the last one not included. Two systems with 4 bars each on page 2, and 1 bar on page 3. I saved it as pdf and then I deleted the last page before publishing.

Which popover should I use with -1q?

Bars and Barlines

That doesn’t work either.

Can you post a cut-down version of your project?

Yes, I’ll post this meanwhile. Maybe it tells you something, the galley view of the project.

That shows that you have an extra flow in your project. You can delete it from Setup mode.


Thanks, Aaron! That works. If I delete the flow named “A Piece of 2025 - TAB” the last page is deleted.

I’d like to rewind.
I made a “Save as…” and the name of the new file with the addition TAB (“A Piece of 2025 - TAB”) is the same name as the name of the flow I had to delete. I don’t get that. The new file has the first flow named Guitar and the second flow named “A Piece of 2025 - TAB”. Why are there two flows when it wasn’t like that from the beginning?

Below is a cut-down version (which is also a “Save as…” from the previous “Save as…” file). Since I now know how to add a flow I did so with Shift-F in setup mode, I wanted to test this. Then I could see an identical added page at the end. So now there are three flows. But the last one has the name “Flow 2”. If I had added a flow by mistake, then that flow should have had the name “Flow 2” and this last one should have been called Flow 3".

TAB issue.dorico (660.7 KB)

I don’t know what you might have done to accidentally add a second flow. Dorico doesn’t add flows on its own, so I don’t think the “Save As” was the culprit.

Me neither, since I would have had to name the new flow as well. And since I didn’t know before tonight how to actually add one. :confused:

A new flow in Setup mode is Shift F – Perhaps you were in Setup mode and tried to add a Frame Break?

No, I haven’t tried to add a frame break. However I’ve been using Shift-F to add fingerings. That’s the only thing I come to think of. But I’d still have to name the flow, right?