Hey there, I am trying to run my audio through an audio interface and some studio monitors. However, Device Preferences only has Built-in Audio as an option, and when I got into Device Control Panel, only my MacBook Speakers are listed.
Ulf’s question is the most pertinent one here. Are you using a dedicated driver for your audio device? And do other audio applications see it? If they do, in the vast majority of cases, Dorico will as well, otherwise try @benwiggy !
I can confirm that my Audio Interface and speakers (SSL 2+) are recognized by other applications (tested with Logic Pro and MainStage) and was recognized by all.
I have reloaded Dorico and started a new project.
And oddly enough, the problem has resolved itself!
Perhaps reloading the software once more was all that it took.
Thank you all for your help! You guys are amazing!