Did Cubase Artist come with Voxengo CurveEQ plugin? It says no license

I upgraded to Artist recently, and today I just installed Voxengo SPAN…

While trying things out I attempted to use Voxengo CurveEQ. which it seems was already there in the VST lists.

Popup says

Application Voxengo Curve EQ has caused the following error:
eLicenser contains no valid license for this application.

and it crashes Cubase.

Do you know if CurveEQ should work, with out of the box Cubase Artist?

I am great at finding the answers after I ask for help…

It looks like Curve EQ is not supposed to work in Artist

kind of confusing, I wonder if installing SPAN (free from Voxengo) triggered this to stop working.

See the effects section

I dont get it. Why would you include that effect if its going to leave you with an throwing error that freezes cubase (just happened to me) ? Also the comparisons section makes no sense with “true, false, -”