Differences Between Cubase 9.5 LE and Cubase 9.5 Essentials

Welcome! :wink:

I didn’t know Steinberg still had a version named Cubase Essentials 9.5. If you believe Wiki, it says that Steinberg dropped the “Essential” name at Cubase 6 (that’s what I seem to remember too). So it must be quite an old version basically what is named Cubase AI today.

Basically though, I thought both versions were the same except that Cubase LE is included with other manufactures hardware and the Essential version was an “OEM” version included with the Steinberg hardware of it’s time like Cubase AI is today. Bottom line… LE & Essential (now AI) versions are the same limited “light” versions.

These topics are at the top of the Cubase LE and Cubase AI forum. Neither mention “Essential” but, interesting info:

Regards :sunglasses: