Different chord symbols for bass and piano

I’m working on big-band score. Apparently Dorico shows the same chord symbols for all rhythm-section instruments. I would like to have different chord symbols for piano and bass. For instance, the piano plays C13, but for bass C7 will do. How do I do this?
Side note: I already tried checking ‘hide chord symbols for all instruments’ in the edit instruments dialogue box and then entering a local chord symbol (option-L) in the piano part. The chord symbol appeared, but also all the chords that were hidden before.

Just change the suffix in the Bass with Alt+Enter to make it local. Gif below:

Thanks a lot Fred. Happy to hear that it’s that simple!

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Off topic I know, but as a bass player I hate it when arrangers do this, why wouldn’t the bass player want to know its a C13 chord ?


FWIW, I happen to agree with this. It seems like better practice to have everyone concerned with chords at a given moment share the same info about them.

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This is an educational arrangement. The bass player is a beginner. And the bass line is written out - the symbols are for analysis only.

Sorry, I still thinks it bad practice , maybe more so as it’s educational.

As a long-time jazz educator, including of beginners, I understand in principle some degree of thoughtful simplification. But, as the line is written out anyway, one could make the pedagogical argument that getting that inexperienced player accustomed to seeing upper extensions could pay off down the road, when more experienced players who may be improvising there parts will definitely benefit from consistency.

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I don’t think it’s possible to be consistent. The guitar player is playing yet another extension, also written out. It depends on the voice-leading of the chords what exact chord is chosen.

Hello! I’m facing the same problem, when I want to write, for example, C13 for the guitar and Gmaj7 for the cavaquinho. Isn’t this possible? I’m a very old Finale user and a very new Dorico user and I haven’t found a solution yet. I’m even embarrassed, because it seems like a very simple question.

Hi Josimar, see the solution for this from FredGUnn above.