Different midi inputs in one layer

i’m using vst live for some months now and it’s still getting better.
In my case i’m using 2 or more midi controllers in one layer.
This option is not available at this moment or you need to share duplicate the layer.
Still if you do this and change the vst plugin in the original layer the duplicated layer won’t change the vst plugin.
I made an example how it possible would look


… with version 1.3.1 (Pre-Release) it‘s now possible to assign multi tracks. We will add „Multi MIDI Inputs“ next.



Good news :nerd_face:
May I ask for multiple MIDI inputs (merge) for Stacks and Global Stacks’ VST Plugins as well?

Hi @Jihem,

I guess you are talking about multiple MIDI Inputs for Insert Plug-Ins. Yes, that’s on our list.

See you,

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This is exactly what I was talking about :slightly_smiling_face:

Thank you so much!

Thank you !!

Where are we with Multiple MIDI Inputs to Layers? I’d like to control one Layer (a SWAM Instrument) simultanously with a Wind controller (EWI) and a MIDI Expression pedal.


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exactly, asking this for a long long time now

As a workaround you can use virtualMIDI. Make two global layers with each of your controler as input and as output the same virtualMIDI. In the song layers then use the virtualMIDI as input.


We started to work on multiple i/o connections last week, and hope to finish at least some of those soon. But as Micha pointed out, stability and user experience always come first.

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Thank you @Falfango for the hint, I’ll try it out soon. I was so far trying to merge the two midi streams with MIDI-OX but I’d prefer using a function internal to VST Live.

Could two part layers with the same shared instrument do the job even though the instrument in question is not multi-timbral?

This does the job for me: Two part layers, one for my Akai EWI Solo for note input as well as pitchbend and CC2 values and another one for a Boss expression foot pedal configured to send CC11 values. Both layers are linked to the same (shared) VST instrument:

I may be using completely configurations for different songs (e.g. a drumpad together with the expression pedal), that’s why I prefer using part layers over global layers in this case.

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