Hey guys,
if I write a lead sheet in C, but want to transpose it for Bb and Eb Instruments, is there an option to make different Layouts of the same instrument (lets say for instance piano) and transpose them separately ? So I would have layouts in C, Bb and Eb… ?
Anyone could help me out on that ?
Welcome to the forum @joshuaknauber.
No, you will need to have separate Instruments with the relevant transposition to put in separate Layouts. It’s easy enough to copy/paste but you’ll have to be mindful when changing things that each Instrument is the same etc.
A similar thread came up recently:
Just duplicate the layout, right-click and select Clef and transposition overrides.
transp.dorico (474.0 KB)
Daniel, do exercise a bit of caution when telling someone something isn’t possible - this is Dorico-land, where almost everything is indeed possible, and most likely possible with an elegant solution once you know about it!
On this site, “not possible” often means “not possible yet.”
Of course, you’re right. It was careless.
Hello all,
I’m running Dorico 5.1.4, and this feature seems not to work.
That is, I’m working on a Big Band score. The Bari sax is written transposed in Treble Clef. Due to the low range, in an Concert score, it can be written in bass clef in many scores.
However, when I go to the “Setup/Clef and Transposition Overrides” panel, and input the clef overrides, nothing changes. I’ve even tried odd things, like Alto Clef, just to see if it would work. And nothing changes.
Am I doing something wrong here, or does this feature not work?
Can you post a project excerpt, perhaps a Dorico file with just a couple of measures, so that we can try out the problem for ourselves and see if we find a solution?
The feature certainly works, so I’m sorry to say that you are probably not setting it up properly. However, you probably want to use Change Instrument in Setup mode to change the baritone saxophone instrument to one that uses bass/F clef at concert pitch and treble/G clef at transposed pitch.
@Anthony_Cornicello , did you start this project as an MusicXML Import? In this case it could be, that the clef is a local clef and therefore the clef change doesn’t work. If you can select the clef in the score, delete it. After that you should not be able to select the clef and the clef change will work in Setup mode. Just a guess without seeing the project …
Thanks - this worked perfectly!