It is confusing: chord symbols are not standardized in “the industry.” Dorico simply tries to respond to this lack of standardization in the best way possible.
Yes! But is there a way to define not only what his displayed but also what I have to right in the popover to male social chord symbols being diplayed?
I need:
Abm 7/b5
Abdim …
and for all I´d like to have a special entry in the popover?
Also ich kann alle von dir Aufgezählten eintippen:
Abm7b5 (ohne Schrägstrich!) → ergibt As Halbvermindert
Abm → As moll
Ab0 → As vermindert
Abdim → As vermindert
Die letzten beiden sind identisch, es kommt also das selbe Symbol heraus. Gibt es einen Grund, warum du Ab° und Abdim im selben Projekt haben willst?
I can enter all the chords you listed. The last two of them are identical, therefore giving the same symbol. Is there a reason why you would like to habe Ab° and Abdim in the same project?
Ab° is two stacked minor thirds and Ab°7 is three.
And in the screenshot above you can see that it’s possible to distinguish between the two.
Just type Abdim and Abdim7 into the popover…