I hardly ever use the help key but it does not bother me being there. This thread made me wonder and I´m not in the studio today so can´t test.
Can you change any of the F keys functions or are they all set in stone?
You can change them all except F1. And you can even change shift+F1 (and the others too) if you want. I wonder if the reason F1 can’t be changed is because it is an MS standard for F1 to invoke help. Word, Excel, Windows Media Player, etc. all use it for help, as do non-MS applications like Photoshop & Chrome. The only thing I’ve ever seen the F1 key do is invoke help for the active window if that window has a help function (and if it doesn’t, it does nothing). I’d guess that this association is occurring within the OS and not the specific application.
Even in Cubase’s Key Command window, if you hit F1 you get a help screen.
Wait… you guys are saying these is no way to disable this? It’s been driving me insane, I often accidentally press it when reaching for the “1” button.
its 2023 , and I just found that I cant use F1 (on a Mac) , then did a google and found this , I have to say its mad ! I get the user help default but why can’t change it is anyone guess
I found the solution.
It is using “Keyboard Maestro” or similar one.
If you assign F1 as something else, It will work as it.
And help function will be disabled.
It’s not a solution, it’s a workaround.
The only solution here is to set aside the excuses like “oh, F1 is a common hotkey for help used across other win apps” (which is a lame excuse, because all other daws don’t reserve this hotkey), and make it assignable.