Disable "stacking" dynamics

Could there be consideration given to a future global option that could turn off “stacking” dynamics, and instead make them overwrite existing ones?

I never encounter times where I want multiple simultaneous dynamics, either immediate or gradual, and it would make copy-paste a lot simpler. Thanks!

Definitely a plus one from me. I still find times where compound dynamics move the first or final one before or after my selection, so I have to redo.

On the subject: is there a way of having the dynamics stack horizontally instead of vertically?

We don’t consider the current behaviour correct (i.e. when you copy and paste material and there are dynamics at the same position in the destination passage as in the material to be pasted, the dynamics in the destination should be overwritten), but for various boring technical reasons this is currently not the way things work.

There’s no way to make dynamics at the same position go side-by-side beyond the automatic behaviour Dorico provides for immediate dynamics followed by gradual dynamics or vice versa, nor do we plan to add any.

We don’t consider the current behaviour correct (i.e. when you copy and paste material and there are dynamics at the same position in the destination passage as in the material to be pasted, the dynamics in the destination should be overwritten)

So currently, it seems the favored way of entering expression text (espressivo, dolce, etc.) is by entering a dynamic+text and then hiding it. Are there any plans to add a specific expression text tool, like the Technique text popover? Otherwise, if we continue to use dynamic+text as a workaround for expression text, there will definitely be reasons to stack dynamics objects on the same rhythmic position. (Not to mention, when you turn off showing the dynamic in the score, it doesn’t turn it off by default in the parts, which is very unintuitive.)

This is a change to the property of the item, so you need to Propagate Properties.

…which is another unintuitive side of things that WILL be addressed in a future version.

Pedal marks also stack if you paste to a bar already contains some.