Display Bar Offset... offset the Seconds track also?

I have a track showing bars/beats, and I added another track to show the elapsed time in seconds.

When I apply the bar offset in the Project Settings to get negative bar values on the bars track, the “Seconds” track is now out of sync with bar 0 as shown on the bars track (seconds still start at the beginning, bar -5 in my case).

Is there a way to keep the Seconds track lined up with bar 0?


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Well? Anyone? :slight_smile:


Do I understand you right, you want to get some pre-bards and pre-time?

The Display Bar Offset in the Project Setup dialog only applies to Bars+Beats ruler mode, as stated in the user manual :

Display Bar Offset
This setting is only used in conjunction with the Bars+Beats display format. Allows you to specify an offset for the time positions in the rulers and position displays to compensate for the Project Start Time setting.

I think this can’t be more explicit.

Yes, set the project cursor at bar 0 and use the function Set Timecode At Cursor.

This doesn’t even work, the Timecode still starts from the beginning of the project, but anyway, it would only change Timecode, and not Seconds.

Edit : for some reason it didn’t work initially, but now it did and the whole ruler is now fk’ed up, how can I revert it ?

I’ve done this in tons of projects. Are you saying that if you place the project cursor at bar 5, evoke Set Timecode At Cursor, enter all zeros, time does not show zero at bar 5 and negative values before bar 5? This should work unless it got broken just recently.
Timecode and Seconds should follow each other.

Well, that’s good and bad at the same time I guess!
Can you give some more details in how your ruler is F’ed? Screenshot? Does it happen if you have multiple rulers?
The more info you can provide, the easier it is for others to provide assistance. :wink:

It now shows thousandths decimals, because it puts 0 in the middle of the grid instead of moving the grid and putting it on a main increment…

I’ve found how to revert it, that’s only the Project Start Time offset.

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Wow. That’s some unnecessary decimals!
I only use the Timecode ruler so I’ve never seen that behavior. Sounds like a feature request!

Yeah, I think the Seconds/Timecode grid should move along the offset. Currently the first grid increment always starts on the Project Start, so when you apply an offset, the increments display what is under, i.e. decimals…

I had to read what you wrote a couple of time, but I think I get you and I completely agree.
The ruler fractions/marks is always static in Cubase. I remember getting a little thrown off by that as well.
When using time offsets, it would be nice if the ruler would “slide” so that 0:00:00:00 is always on a ruler mark/tick/line.

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