Display Issue When Expanding Windows in Cubase 13

At the timing of the release of Cubase 14, I installed Cubase 13, hoping for stable performance. However, I discovered a strange issue where the window “shakes” when the Key Editor is opened. I have not been able to find a solution yet.

This phenomenon did not occur in Cubase 12.

In the Windows 10 “System Properties” settings, if I check “animate windows when minimizing and maximizing,” it seems to display naturally as shown in the next video.

However, this seems to just hide the issue with the animation effect and does not appear to be a fundamental solution.

Has anyone else encountered a similar issue? If there is a solution, I would appreciate your help.

For reference, I am using a Windows 10 PC with a Radeon RX 6400 graphics card and an AMD Ryzen CPU.