I watched the video online about making divisi in section parts, and it makes sense when working on a new score in Dorico. But what do I do with an mxl imported score when all the divisi staves are imported as separate instruments. I learned how to change the instruments from solo to section players. The problem now is that I have a bunch of section players (violins 1-6) instead of violins 1 and 2, with divisi staves within them. After investigating I’m beginning to think that it’s impossible for me to solve this problem because you can’t add instruments to section players (allowing their staves to automatically hide like wind parts when someone isn’t playing.) I will have to have all the divisi staves visible as separate violin sections throughout the entire score. Am I right about this?
Is the only way to solve this problem to create divis at the proper places in the score and then copy music from the imported divisi staff to the new divisi staff, then delete the imported divisi staff?