Currently, I use MIDI tracks in my VST Live project to control the lights via Freestyler. I noticed that in VST Live, it is possible to create DMX tracks. How can I make it recognize the already created MIDI events to avoid redoing all the work for all the project tracks?
Hi! Doing this you need to “record” freestyler’s DMX/ArtNet output while still feeding freestyler with your MIDI messages … to trigger freestlye to do your program to record generated dmx data to VSTL
So it’s a process that takes the duration of the track?
That is rather to record something existing
MIDI controls freestyler fixtures that produces dmx channel signal to your lamps, but now “we” are going to record it to VSTL’s dmx track
It would be useful to have the ability to map MIDI notes to DMX channels so that it can automatically recognize MIDI events and transform them into DMX events.
Sorry, as you kindly suggested, I did the following in VST Live 2:
- I created a DMX track;
- I set the DMX track input to DMX Art Net in;
- I created a MIDI track with events to control the lights via Freestyler, and I see that it works;
- I start the project, but the DMX track does not detect or record anything.
What did I do wrong?
Monitor + Rec arm!!
?…Can you directly convert MIDI “notes” to AUDIO…?
Yes, exactly, I did that but it doesn’t record anything. On the ArtNet node, I see that it receives the Freestyler packets, but on Voice Live, the track doesn’t record anything. As mentioned, I have set DMX ArtNet in as the input for the DMX track. Is there perhaps something missing?
Maybe you have the wrong universe selected, or maybe your PC is not on the same network as ArtNet. With the monitor button activated on the DMX track you should see activity regardless of whether you are recording or not.
Did you set up your ArtNet ports in Connections?
The PC is a Windows 11. I have set up Freestyler, Artnet to DMX, and the network card as shown in the figure. In this case, no activity is detected from the ArtNet to DMX node. However, in image 3, packet activity is detected, but it is not possible to set up the network card because it is a loopback address.
Is there anything I can do?
Hi! Can u temporary make two ethernet connectors maybe (e.g. an additional via USB2ETH)? Then connect them via switch and use manual address?
Also need to know, VSTL needs to be started for last otherwise wont find the ArtNet incoming device.
@Spork announced a later-coming ArtNet tab of the DMX panel that might make things more sophisticated then, but until this tab is done you need to figure connection issues with more attention. But we (@CliveJ and me were recorded a huge amount of dmx via artnet)
Ohh ! Did you know, there is a DMX monitor inside the VSTL “Devices” dropdown? Might help with connection issues too
You are using the subnet mask as the FS broadcast address. That doesn’t look right to me.
Hmmm… I don’t know how to broadcast from Freestyler, but there are a local 127…and a c-class 192…. address they not really will “communicate”
It’s doable - we did it with dot2 using the FS ArtNet utility. I think we just used the local IP and set the broadcast address the same. Will check later when I can get in front of it.
There is also an alternative method using the Microsoft loopback network adapter (not
I tried following your advice, using both two network cards and the Microsoft loopback network (not In the viewer, I can see the packets, but VST Live doesn’t register anything in the DMX track. Additionally, I tried creating events by setting the output to ArtNet DMX out, but nothing appears in the viewer. Shouldn’t I see the outgoing packets from VST Live? Shouldn’t there also be an option to configure the network in VST Live?
What am I missing? Thanks!
Hm…. Trickier than I thought, but try this:-
- FS: Set the output address to that of your local network
- FS: Set the broadcast address to x.255.255.255.
- Turn off Windows firewall. Why this gets in the way on a trusted network I don’t know, but it does, even with FS allowed through the firewall.
- VL: Make sure that you have set up ArtNet in the DMX Connections window so that it is connected to your network card.
- If no success install WireShark which will show you how the packets are being addressed and might point you in the right direction.
I also read somewhere that FS needs to be on universe 0 for ArtNet to work. It was also suggested that FS ArtNet can be flaky.
Do you have VL and FS on the same or different PC’s?
Hi, i have been able to send artnet from vstlive to QLC in the same machine setting QLC artnet input to (broadcast address of the local wireless router, while pc address was
The opposite is Not possible, vstlive don’t receive artnet from the same pc, tried sending artnet out from QLC on (broadcast), (pc address) or 127.0.01 (loopback) …. Vst receives nothing, and a artnet IP setting is still missing in vstlive… but i have been able to record dmx artnet input using two different pc on the same network, qlc sending artnet on (broadcast) and VST receiving on a second pc….
We need a IP setting for input and output artnet in vstlive… !!
Hi, I’ve already done all these tests, but nothing
The same!
Exactly, that’s what I think, we need IP settings for input and output ArtNet in VST Live… !!!
Same PC does indeed seem to be a problem. When @fkalmus and me were playing with it I think we were both using separate PC’s.
I also noticed that the DMX monitor I used would not show any messages either. I wonder whether it is deliberate so that there is no DMX feedback into the sending program. Looking at some DMX comments on the web it would appear that ArtNet is not supposed to loop back from the network interface. It may be that the systems that are able to do this are using low level calls to get around this limitation.
Maybe you would get some mileage using a virtual machine to host FS if you cannot use a separate PC as it would then have a different IP address and be accessible via the HyperV soft switch.