Do midi channels work?

I ve never had any luck with separating / isolating notes to certain Chanel’s

.And I thought it’s about time I asked, I’ve tried putting separate channels on the drum map, I have manually assigned certain notes a channel in the Midi editor I’ve tried the project and track input transformer, no matter what I do. I never seem to get anything to go onto a separate channel. I can do it via the channel in on a media track If channel has been assigned in the plug-in, but outside of this I never got it to work. I feel like I must be missing something fundamental about this.

Is your instrument listening for the specific hits on those channels?

While “all midi inputs” are the default for input, that doesn’t mean that the instrument is set to respond to all channels for a specific note/pad/drum hit.

Typically it would be required to set both the drum map and the instrument to respond properly.

The MIDI Channel has to be set to All for the track in the Inspector.
For Drum Maps, there is a channel setting at the bottom of the setup window that has to be set to All as well.

And the instrument will also have to be set to respond to channels other than its defaults.