Do you feel it's 'ethical' to report piracy?

It would seem that these “forces” would be happy with people using earbuds, whilst falling under the proverbial bus in order to have their day in court and award settlements, then only can insurance rescue the day so the doctor can get paid.

Yeah, I heard they used Ted Kaczinsky and Osama Bin Laden on those same posters to promote some global warming skeptics conference.
Knowing you, Kevin, I don’t think you object to the message so much as to the use of your heroes for
crass commercial purposes. :mrgreen:

I should know better than to anticipate actual well versed responses. Musicians, god bless 'em, are too busy twindling around to be bothered with the whats and the whereabouts and the so forths. :slight_smile:

Steve tried though

Steve, what’s He talkin’ about? :open_mouth: :wink: .


How does one arrive at meaning in the absence of coherency?

As for building with straw … yes, straw does have the ability to hold things together. I recall a story about three pigs, trying to keep the wolf from their door. One built with straw. One built with sticks. The only pig the wolf didn’t eat was the one that built his house of bricks, including a functional fireplace just the right size to roast a wolf. It was a very coherent design.

A straw-man argument is at best a misrepresentation, and most often outright lies. It is not a sign of genius, insight, or comprehension. It is a corruption.

… in the end - a straw man argument is incoherency used to obscure meaning!

So the point is, if you don’t understand something, condemn it, hate it, despise it. Okey dokey.

this one strayed off topic a little eh?

Is that why you condemn/hate/despise capitalism; because you don’t understand it?

Malcolm X checked the unabridged dictionary out from the prison library. He started at the beginning, and took notes, and learned words and their meanings. Coherency mattered to him. He taught himself.

When he got out of the joint he traveled, made a pilgrimage. He learned that much of what he’d be programmed to accept was false, particularly the hatred espoused by the Muslim Brotherhood. He came to stand for the truth; and for that he was murdered by the very same “brotherhood”.

It would appear that incoherence has a new champion! :slight_smile:

Let me see if I’ve got this right:

  1. In the search for meaning, coherence is optional.

  2. A straw man argument is one that ‘holds things together’.

  3. Incoherence = mental multi tasking.

  4. Straw is cool.

……there’s bucketloads of wisdom to be found at this place - you
just have to know where to look. :sunglasses:

You’re becoming quite the “quote ho” these days, eh Steve?
I recall you chastising others in the past for using the feature,
like it was just for sissy boys, or something.
Acting out of desperation, are you? :laughing:

So now, coherancy itself is has been sentenced as guilty. wow. Theres goes music altogether. Hide all your instruments and pens fellas, your poetry and your love, your sentiments, your hearts, your abstractions just out of reach, your dreams…all of it, the Coherancy Police are here.

I repeat, DO NOT MAKE ONE MORE NOTE OF MUSIC, for it is irrational.

There you go again! Another straw man.
So you make no distinction between art and logic (as it applies
to debate/discussion)?
C’mon Kevin. You can do better than that! :slight_smile:

When it comes to art, anything goes, baby. Koo koo ga joob! :sunglasses:

I thought a “strawman argument” was basically when you try to gain an advantage in a debate by subtly misrepresenting the other side’s position – right??


My view on “file sharing” (or whatever you want to call it) is that it represents the same essential character flaw that ANY type of thievery exhibits. What I mean is, a person who habitually engages in file sharing would probably feel quite comfortable stealing much more than a $.99 mp3… if they thought they could get away with it

I also don’t totally discount Kevin’s rather Utopian dream of a world where art is divorced from commerce. I’m fairly certain that it will be so in the next life :sunglasses:

But that’s not the world we live in. Still… in my mind there’s a serious imbalance in a world where some guy who prances around like a fool on a stage is remunerated with millions of dollars… while people all over the planet who work their asses off from dawn to dusk merely scrape by. And please don’t give me some baloney about how the dancing fool earns his remuneration by virtue of the fact that he “entertains” lots of people :unamused:

Really? pretty hardcore attitude toward law and order. It follows then that the millions and millions of people who roll stop signs or smoke marijuana would be “comfortable doing much more…if they thought they could get away with it” As if stop sign rollers and pot smokers are really sociopathic criminals in disguise, if they’re not stopped.

In the meantime, bankers, wall street and the corporate-military robs the people of trillions…I guess their methods of distraction works on the mainstream people, thats why we let all this happen.

Porn today, music tomorrow.

Mass guilt trip.

As we all know mp3 is inferior so why should anyone be prosecuted at all?

The answer or “straw man argument” is of course to keep the wheels of democracy turning, that is making what are civil matters into criminal offences.

Why is it that people who consider themselves athiest or non christian understand christianity more than christians?

Where I come from we embrace all cultures and creeds and while there’s the odd redneck, prejudiced individual or xenophobic person as in any country we don’t have too many problems race wise but as for religion we practice politics on a grand scale and it is our bloodsport some might say.