Do you like the "The Daily Adventures Of Mixerman"?

If you like the idea of a film, showing the ordeals audio engineers have to live trough
have a look here:

and read about Mixerman Chronicles = What Spinal Tap did to heavy metal,
Mixerman does to the recording world.and maybe support this venture…
I might even save me a copy of the DVD… It seems soo familiar …

Big K…

Excellent news! Mixerman is perhaps one of the funniest books I have ever read.
I started out - like most - reading the online version and had to buy the book to find out how it all ended up.

Highly recommended to all.

was the same here :wink:

Same here. :slight_smile:

When I do workshops, I never forget to recommend this book as “The Great Novel Of Our Mixing Business” to my students.