Vanilla Cubase PRO 13
not one shot, there is plenty of them.
I am looking for hh loops but I can’t find them, maybe you know where to see.
I will be back tomorrow afternoon
Vanilla Cubase PRO 13
not one shot, there is plenty of them.
I am looking for hh loops but I can’t find them, maybe you know where to see.
I will be back tomorrow afternoon
Loopcloud, Splice? if not I am sure you can find some hi hats in Groove Agent
You could definitely use GA as @glennloopez suggests.
Load up a kit which has patterns and audition them with the HH soloed - you can change the default patterns as well so should be able to go through lots with reloading the kit.
I set @Johnny_Consento 's answer as the solution I was looking for.
Other answers are also solid good options. I usually compose my hh loops with GA and it’s great but I was looking for a quickier way (although less precise). And I was a Splice user back days ago, but I only needed basic hh-loops and didn’t renewed (it’s a very good service, btw)
Many Thanks You All
Just to add: Don’t forget to tag your own samples (ie. non Cubase stock samples) . If you have loops from Splice on your hard drive you could tag them as Loops, so they will be included in the search results. It’s administrative work for a day when you are not kissed by the muses.