Does Cubase have Slide or Portamento in the MIDI Editor?
What I’m looking for is to make Slide with notes that have been sampled and loaded into a sampler such as Kontakt, E.g. from A to G# and make small slides exactly as the same way FL can do it.
I found them hidden, im trying to figure it out how to use them, I loaded Kontakt with the sampled bass but nothing is happening with this parameters… probably it works only with synths but not VST samplers?
seems its impossible to replicate the sound im looking for… unfortunately
Hi Martin, does Cubase support CC84 ? (it’s portamento control). You enter a starting note as a parameter, like CC84 - 60 (60 is for C3), and then next Note-On will slide from 60 to that note. (together with the CC5 portamento time, but regardless of CC65 on/off)
I can’t make it work with Cubase.
I just manage to make the standard portamento work with CC5 and CC65. But then it only works if the 2 notes are legato.
Cubase supports all MIDI CCs (can receive and send any MIDI CC). The question is, if the sound generator (VSTi or hardware synth) can receive and interprets it.
MIDI CC65 is Portamento On/Off switcher. So if you send MIDI CC65 value ≥ 64, the portamento is enabled for the upcoming note. So it will slide from the current MIDI Note to the upcoming one. The Portamento Time is set by MIDI CC5. MIDI CC84 sends the amount of Portamento.
Thanks Martin. Indeed the support of CC84 depends on the VST or harware synth support. I actually found one Prologue instrument, clearly responding to CC84, but not with portamento !
I also found on Internet that CC84 is “portamento amount”, but this is not what the Midi Spec defines (See Midi association website). In the MIDI Spec, CC84 is called “Portamento Controller” . It defines a starting note for the glide. This is very interesting when you don’t want to glide from one played-back note to another played-back note,but from a specified note and the next played-back note.
I am not sure my hardware synth (Yamaha CLP-785) implemented that correctly. I have sent them the question …
Hi Martin, according to the MIDI reference document of CLP-785, the CC84 is supported. See page 9. The “o” means “supported” and the “x” means “not supported”. Same for CC5 and CC65 which I did manage to control from Cubase. I think you refer to page 12 for DelayLCR, but it’s a different table.
Anyway, I am still waiting for Yamaha reply to my question about CC84 …
OK, Yamaha replied, they put me in contact with a French “demonstrator”. He did some research and also came to the conclusion that the CC84 is not supported. He suggested to emulate this with a CC5/CC65 classic portamento, with the first note having a 0 duration. I will try …
Forget about portamneto: USE PITCH BAND INSTEAD!
I was just thinking about it few secs ago comming/switching from FLStudio too and voila: pitch band do the FLStudio “slide” trick for me without setting anything like start ending note, slide time etc. PITCH BAND IS THE WAY HOW TO DO IT, MY FRIEND! For instance I am using sforzando for .sf2 files and setting pitch band range in sforzando to 48 giving me the most extreme slide options and it is jus tupon me how much I want to slide down or up. Hope it helps. Cheers.