Does MPE in Cubase 14 work well?


I’ve a lot of problems trying use the MPE MIDI format in cubase pro 13.

Does anyone have try it on the latest version, Cubase 14 ? And can relate how it works ?

Thanks :+1:

Hey there. I’ll start by saying that I’ve not experienced any MPE challenges in CB14 any differently than in CB13. From a technical perspective, MPE as a class of feature works great in both. From a real-world application perspective, there are certainly challenges in ensuring your MPE environment is set up properly and that each track and each instrument is configured properly.

In its simplest implementation, I can load up Equator 2, set the MIDI Inputs to “any,” and make sure my Roli Dashboard is set to MPE mode and I’m good to go. I can also ensure my Linnstrument is in “Channel Per Note” (MPE) mode and also play just fine. Where it gets challenging is when you move to a different plug-in that doesn’t necessarily support MPE “natively” (if that’s even the way to put it). If I open up Omnisphere and want an 8 channel Multi setup up by say, cloning part 1 and then going into 2-8 and changing them slightly to create a more expressive, multi-textured sound, then what I have to do is go into the Roli Dashboard and change the mode to Multi-Channel, and in the case of Omnisphere, flatten the Glide parameter (like the “Piano” default preset). Then it works fine. If I go back to the Equator plugin, then I’ve got to go back to Roli Dashboard (or Linnstrument panel-based changes) and change it back, along with Pitch Bend parameters. I could of course just play the Equator 2 in Multi-Channel mode, but that has its own challenges with expression mapping.

That’s my long way of saying “Yes, MPE works great in Cubase 14” with the caveat of “when you make sure you’re aware of the requirements and dependancies of your plugin and controller working together.”
