Does Verve download free for cubase 14 pro?

hi all , im new, so im sorry for this question.
in the download manager, under my product download (cubase14pro) i find many other programs such as verve, specra laters. are they free ? or should i purchase and than download them ?
thanks for whom answer !

Hi and welcome to the forum!
Cubase Pro comes with a lot of additional plug-ins and content packs. So, yes, everything listed in the Cubase Pro 14 section of the Download Assistant is included and you can use it with your Cubase license. :slight_smile:

Hi Martin thank you very much for your quick answer !
best regards,

You’re welcome. Have fun with Cubase.

Thank you very much !

But isn’t is correct to say that you don’t have the full versions of those things available to download?

For example, Spectralayers (mentioned above) only gives you the basic version, & to get the full version you have to buy it separately, right? I believe this is the same for Halion & Groove Agent.

I think it’s frustrating not knowing from the outset which things on the list are the full programme, & which are not. :thinking: :confused: :weary: