Dolby Atmos Deliverables

I have not worked in Atmos yet but am curious.

I have a broadcast TV post job coming up that requires a 7.1.4 ADM plus a 5.1 mix and stems and a stereo mix and stems. I will be using the ADM Authoring tool in N13. I’m on Windows and it seems like a pretty big (expensive) deal to use the external Dolby software and link the two PC’s together so I’ll be aiming to stay in Nuendo using its internal renderer.

Is there a file-based way to extract 5.1 and stereo BWAV mixdown files from the ADM?

Or should I buss to parallel 5.1 and derive a stereo fold simultaneously?

Looks like I just found a solution. Just re-import that ADM and create folds from there as it faithfully plays back object data with metadata .

I have also created a parallel 5.1 and stereo mix template with the 5.1 and stereos printed live to interleaved BWAVs files then exporting the ADM afterwards.

This also has a parallel 7.1.4 buss where I can send what is going to the ADM and I can measure it in nugen vislm during the mix to get an fairly accurate cumulative lkfs reading before mastereing.


Just for completeness: The internal Atmos renderer works just like any other plug-in. So if you have the Atmos renderer enabled, you can output your mix as normal via audio mixdown. You may just end up with a few files that contain no data. (Example: Your Atmos project is in 7.1.4 and you export a 5.1 mixdown. You will have six files with data and six without.)