Dorico 5 for iPad corrupted my work

Hi there,

I had a project which I was working on. I upgraded to Dorico 5 last week on my iPad and now it says “Error opening file”. To make matters worse, there’s no support except for this Forum apparently. I tried sending the file to my mac and opening it on Dorico there, but I get the same error.

Anything to be done?

Hi @Robert_Rullo

Thanks for your message and welcome to forum!
Dorico has a very active forum, I’ve updated your topic accordingly.


Welcome Robert.

I’d recommend that you send the file to one of the Dorico team, who can maybe see if there’s anything salvageable.

Email it to d (dot) spreadbury (at) steinberg (dot) de

(Once you’ve posted a few replies and read a few threads on this board, you should gain “privileges” to upload stuff directly into posts.)

The act of upgrading the app shouldn’t affect existing files. Any other ideas about what might have happened? Is the file on iCloud Drive, or “on the iPad”, or DropBox, etc?


Thanks for the response - it’s very helpful. I’ll try and emailing the developer you mentioned.

The file is “On My Ipad”. I wish it was in Drive, because then there’d be a versioned history of it. Live and learn.

No idea what happened. Maybe unrelated to the upgrade, but it did coincide perfectly.