Dorico 5 wishlist

A post was split to a new topic: New user issues related to video, rehearsal marks, and more

A post was merged into an existing topic: New user issues related to video, rehearsal marks, and more

Couldn’t you simply close and reopen the file? Not quite the same, but the end result would be the same and still faster than undoing five minutes worth of edits via cmd z.


I am sure it has been mentioned before but a big feature for me would be automatically restated accidentals on notes tied across a break. Two big publishers have talked to me about integrating Dorico into their workflow and in both cases I had to inform them that their house style was not achievable with the current state of the program because of this limitation. That is a shame!

While I agree this needs to be implemented, you could certainly achieve the desired results manually in smaller projects. A few glyphs placed by hand would solve this.

As @Romanos points out: you can easily add the accidentals manually in Engrave mode, so I think you did Dorico a disservice. I don’t know if Sibelius automatically adds these, but in Finale, you’d have to do it by hand, too.


I still hope for an option to restate an accidental seen in a new voice (like in Sibelius).
Unfortunately condensing is at the moment not flexible enough for the music I have to engrave most of the time.

@Romanos thanks for the reply. Yes, it’s theoretically possible but not realistic. (for example, a current piece is for large orchestra, 600+ bars.)
@benwiggy Sibelius has an option to do this automatically (though 85% of the results need to be tweaked to not look terrible.) In Finale it is not automatic but much easier than adding glyphs manually. I have used both with the publishers in question.
I don’t agree I did a disservice. I would like to see it implemented so I can indeed use Dorico. And to compensate, I started using Dorico elsewhere in an effort to spur wider spread adoption. So it evens out, I hope!

Isn’t almost an identical process in Finale? - select the note, press P. (Once for accidental with brackets; twice without.)

In Dorico, if you assign a keypress to Toggle Accidental State, it’s one press to show an accidental, or three quick taps for one with brackets.

What are the ‘tweaking’ steps in Sibelius?

Which is why I said,

I realize you can’t find and add them manually in a large project with unpteen part scores too. But for more modest, non-symphonic scale works, it is very doable.

And while I love all the magical things dorico does for us, I really think that we’ve fallen prey to the idea that the computer can (and should) do everything. Music still needs the human touch, and I believe this applies to genuine engraving as well.

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Of course it is realistic.

I recently did just that for entire opera that was several thousand measures in length (not to mention the parts, which obviously had different line breaks).

It would be nice, however, if this was able to be accomplished automatically.

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if I toggle the accidental state it only applies to the first note in the tie chain. If I untie them and apply the bracketed accidental it disappears again when I re-tie them. I have only been able to achieve it by changing the voice on the desired note, applying the accidental then re-tieing them. Of course the parts are a different question. Please tell me I’m missing something and it really is much easier!!!

Sibelius will add the accidentals automatically but they aren’t taken into consideration for the collision avoidance. So depending on the situation you need to manually adjust them to look decent.

fair enough - but I assume there was no deadline! :wink:

In Engrave mode, select the 2nd notehead, and press your shortcut (or set the Property). You almost NEVER need to untie notes!

I agree, but it’s just a question of time and editorial overhead. I like to reduce these as much as possible if I’m using a computer anyway.

oh man…
I’m on the phone now to the publishers! (Well, metaphorically, it’s Sunday)
Thanks - best forum on the internet!


I agree that it should be automatic. For me, computers are to do all the tedious, boring, repetitive stuff that can be easily defined. “Put an accidental on tied notes that break over a new line” is exactly the sort of thing a computer can do better than me, without missing any (or false positives).

That leaves me free to do the more nuanced, human stuff.


You’re likely going to want to do this Locally though, as it’s unlikely the system breaks will match between parts and score.


there have been various posts with suggestions for improved automation in the Expression Map (including one or two from me). To summarize, I would say the most important things are twofold:

  1. the NoteLength automation tends to be skewed towards the longer end with “very short” kicking in too quickly. We need more programmability and ideally more presets towards the shorter end
  2. Some modern libraries can often change the tone considerably with just small changes in note length even with the same articulation as they’re designed to simulate playing live. It would thus be useful to be able to automate the actual playback note length as well as the patches.

Back on topic, one thing I would love is the ability to ‘get’ values from the project in the Lua scripting environment.

E.g. get the number of flows and then use that in a loop; check if item is of type; if object has property X; etc, etc.

Notational limitations need to be addressed: repeat ending ‘hangovers’ (slurs, ties, lyrics); similar hangovers at divisi endings; figured bass on upper staff; anything where ‘Dorico can’t do that’.

Parentheses on everything!

Slurs need to be improved for large intervals and grace notes.

It would be nice to be able to Show/Hide any given System text on any given system; also show/hide group labels for any given label.

More Notation Options (and another vote for 2/2/ like 4/4.) I’d still like an option to prohibit dotted crotchet rests in 4/4.

Auto-continuation of bar numbers, reh marks over flows.

Option to centre a single note in the bar (where it is in all staves).

Fermatas on outside (above and under) of grand staff.

Adding Crop marks to PDF export should increase sheet size to accommodate the marks.

Incipits and ambituses!

Copy and Paste frames in Frame Editor/Template editor.